
A set of floating or in place notifications.


Basic alerts, in place and permanent.


    Alerts can be closed Basic alerts, in place and permanent.

      Time to live

      Alerts can have a limited time to live that will make them disappear after a certain amount of time:

      <bt-alert :ttl="3000">I'll stay visible for 3 seconds.</bt-alert>
      <bt-alert :ttl="null">I'll always be visible.</bt-alert>


        You can easily add an icon via the icon and iconSet props:

        <bt-alert icon="home">Welcome home.</bt-alert>

        The default set being used is material, but you can change it:

        <bt-alert icon-set="remix" icon="home">Welcome home.</bt-alert>


        Like everytime you use an icon, you must first import it (anywhere) in your app:

        import "@banquette/vue-material-icons/home";
        import "@banquette/vue-remix-icons/home";

        Alerts stack

        Alerts can also be added inside a stack, that will make them float above everything else. The stack has a position: fixed so alerts placed inside will float relative to the screen space.

          Global function

          The easiest way to show an alert is to use the global btShowAlert method exposed to all Vue apps created with the VueBuilder:

          <!-- Show a "success" alert with infinite TTL. -->
          <bt-button @click="btShowAlert('Changes saved successfully', 'success', 3000)">
              Success alert
          <!-- Show a default alert that will appear on the bottom right of the stack area. -->
          <bt-button @click="btShowAlert({message: 'A message here', position: 'bottom-right', closable: true})">
              Default alert


          To make the alert appear in the stack you can use the AlertService:

          import { Injector } from "@banquette/dependency-injection";
          import { AlertService } from "@banquette/vue-ui/alert";
          const alert = Injector.Get(AlertService);
          // Show a "success" alert with infinite TTL.
'A message here', 'success');
          // Show a faded "danger" alert that will disappear after 3 seconds.
'A message here', 'danger faded', 3000);
          // Show a closable primary alert that will appear on the bottom right of the stack area.
{message: 'A message here', variant: 'primary', position: 'bottom-right', closable: true});

          In the above example, the stack is automatically created by the AlertService when show() is called.

          The component

          You can also create a stack manually:


          By doing this, you can add an identifier to your stack so you can target it when you create an alert:

          <bt-alerts-stack id="my-stack"></bt-alerts-stack>
          // This alert will be added to the stack with the id "my-stack".
{stack: 'my-stack', message: 'A message here'});


          You can also add your alerts manually in the stack by using slots:

              <template #top>
                  <bt-alert>I'm on the center top</bt-alert>
                  <bt-alert>I'm on the center top too</bt-alert>
              <template #bottom-right>
                  <bt-alert>I'm on the bottom right</bt-alert>
              <template #top-left>
                  <bt-alert>I'm on the top left</bt-alert>

          Local stack

          By setting the fixed prop to false the stack becomes absolute and thus relative to its closest relative parent:

          <bt-alerts-stack id="local" :fixed="false"></bt-alerts-stack>

          An example

          Here is an example combining all we've seen previously.


            Method Description Default
            An optional title to show above the content.
            You can also override the title slot.
            The name of the icon to show, or null to show none. null
            The name of set of icon to get the icon from. 'material'
            Time to live. If > 0, defines the number of milliseconds the alert will stay alive. null
            If true the end-user can close the alert by themselves. false
            If true, evaluate the HTML code present in the message and title. false
            Name of the transition to apply when an alert is shown / hidden. If false, disable the transition. undefined
            Bi-directional visibility control.
            Can be used with v-model: v-model:visible="...".


            Name Description
            default Contain the content of the alert.


            • : a function that you can call to hide the alert.

            Define the title of the alert. If the slot is defined, the title prop is not used anymore.


            • : a function that you can call to hide the alert.


            Below the list of all CSS variables and selectors available to customize the appearance of the component. If you're not familiar on how the theming works, please refer to the VueThemes documentation.


            Variable Default Comment
            fontFamily var(--bt-font-family-base) -
            fontSize var(--bt-font-size-base) -
            fontWeight var(--bt-font-weight-normal) -
            borderColor var(--bt-color-primary-100) -
            borderRadius var(--bt-border-radius-base) -
            borderWidth 0 -
            borderStyle var(--bt-border-style-base) -
            textColor var(--bt-color-primary-contrast) -
            backgroundColor var(--bt-color-primary-50) -
            closeFillColor currentColor Color of the close icon.
            closeFillHoverColor currentColor Color of the close icon when hovered.
            closeBackgroundHoverColor var(--bt-color-primary-100) Background color of the close icon when hovered.


            Name Comment Pseudo classes Attributes Combinable with
            root The root element.
            body Inner container of the message.
            closeIcon Close icon.
            icon Message icon.


            cssSelectors: {
                root: {
                    background: '...'
                'root:hover': {
                    outline: '...'
                'root:hover body': {
                    background: '...'
                icon: {
                    fill: '...'