
A popover is a floating component that sticks to another element. It can be used to make tooltips for example.

Basic usage

There are two ways of creating a popover:

  • using the bt-popover component,
  • using the v-bt-popover directive.

As a directive

The easiest way to show a popover is through the directive:

<bt-icon name="home" v-bt-popover="'I\'m above the icon'"></bt-icon>


Please note that the string is quoted. Because the directive expects an expression.

<bt-icon v-bt-popover="'I\'m above the icon'"></bt-icon> <!-- Works -->
<bt-icon v-bt-popover="I'm above the icon"></bt-icon>    <!-- Does NOT work -->

You can also give it an object of options:

<bt-icon name="home" v-bt-popover="{content: 'I\'m on the left of the icon', placement: 'left'}"></bt-icon>

As a component

Popovers can also be create via the bt-popover component:

<bt-button name="home">
    Hover me
    <bt-popover placement="right">
        <span>My content comes <b>from a slot</b>.</span>


Popovers rely on PopperJSopen in new window, so you can use any of the placement it supports:


    Please check out this section that covers Popper's configuration.


    The target of a popover is the element it will stick to.

    If the popover is created through a directive, the target cannot be changed. It will always be the element on which the directive has been put onto.

    But if the popover is created through a bt-popover component, you can control the target via the target prop. The target can be changed dynamically, as demonstrated below:


      The target can either be:

      • an element: any HTML element,
      • a ref (as in the demo): the popover will search all the parents for the ref,
      • a css selector: anything querySelectoropen in new window can take. Please note that the matching is performed on the parent element for anything that is not an id. If the selector starts with # the match is done on the whole document.

      Multiple targets

      A popover can target multiple elements.


        You can prevent the popover from disappearing when the user mouse leaves the target element by adding a interactive prop:


          By default, the popover spawn where the component is defined. But it can create problems if the container is too small to contain it. In such a case, you can teleport it elsewhere using the teleport prop. Here is a demo to illustrate:


            The teleport prop is directly passed to the to prop of Teleportopen in new window component.

            Visibility control

            By default, the popover visibility is controlled by events on its target. The popover is shown when the target is hovered.

            But you can change this behavior using the showOn and hideOn props.

            Show on

            Controls the type of event that make the popover visible, possible values are:

            • mouseenter: show the popover when the mouse enters one of its targets,
            • click: show the popover when a click is made on one of its targets,
            • focus: show the popover when one of its targets takes focus.

            Hide on

            Controls the type of event that make the popover hide, possible values are:

            • mouseleave: automatically set when showOn is set to hover and hideOn is null
            • click: hide the popover when clicking on the target
            • click-outside: hide the popover when clicking outside of any of its targets
            • mousedown-outside: hide the popover when a mousedown event is triggered outside of any of its targets
            • blur: hide the popover on the blur event of the focused target


            If no value is set to hideOn, an inverse event will automatically be set for each possible value of showOn:

            • for hover, the inverse is mouseleave,
            • for click, the inverse is click-outside,
            • for focus, the inverse is blur.

            Manual control

            You can also control the visibility yourself, via the visible prop (null by default).

            If visible is set to a non-null value, it takes priority on the showOn and hideOn props discussed above, which become useless.

            <bt-popover :visible="true">
                I'll always be visible.

            Content rendering

            By default, the content of a popover is only rendered when it is shown, and destroyed when hidden. But in some cases you may when to render it all the time, even when hidden.

            You can control this via the render-hidden prop:

            <bt-popover render-hidden>
                My content will always be rendered.

              As you can see with the little increment component inside the popover is reset each time the popover is shown in one case and not on the other.


              You can delay the appearance and disappearance of the popover via the showDelay and hideDelay props. They expect a number of milliseconds to wait.


                Popovers rely on PopperJSopen in new window for their placement. Several props are shortcuts to Popper's configuration.


                The placement prop is directly passed to Popper with no change. It is covered here.

                <bt-popover placement="bottom-end">...</bt-popover>

                Show arrow

                Adds the arrow modifier to the Popper config if true (default behavior).

                See Popper's documentationopen in new window.


                Adds the offset modifier if non-null. Set to [0, 10] by default.

                See Popper's documentationopen in new window.

                Default configuration

                The following modifiers are applied by default:

                    placement: /** `placement prop */,
                    modifiers: [
                            name: 'preventOverflow',
                            options: {altAxis: true}
                            name: 'computeStyles',
                            options: {adaptive: false}
                        // Only if the `offset` prop is defined.
                            name: 'offset',
                            options: {offset: /** `offset` prop */}
                        // Only if `showArrow` is `true`.
                            name: "arrow",
                            options: {padding: 10}

                Custom configuration

                You can override the default configuration via the popperOptions prop:

                <bt-popover :popper-options="{strategy: 'fixed'}"></bt-popover>


                Please note that the configuration is not merged recursively, so you can remove default modifiers.

                This means that doing:

                <bt-popover :popper-options="{modifiers: []}"></bt-popover>

                will remove all the default modifiers.


                Method Description Default
                Custom target element. null
                Content of the popover. Use the default slot if not defined. null
                If true, the HTML containing in the content prop will be interpreted. false
                PopperJS placement of the popover relative to its target. 'top'
                If true, show the arrow. true
                Control the visibility of the popover.
                If null (the default behavior), the visibility is controlled by events sets on the targets elements.
                These events can be configured using the showOn and hideOn props.

                Note that this prop takes priority over every other way to show/hide the popover.
                Meaning that if visible is true for example, calling hide() will do nothing.
                Defines the type of event listeners to add on the targets to make the popover visible.

                Possible values are:
                • mouseenter: will show the popover when the mouse enters one of its targets,
                • click: will show the popover when a click is made on one of its targets,
                • focus: will show the popover when one of its targets take the focus.
                If no value is set to hide-on, an inverse event will automatically be set for each on the above, to hide the popover:
                • mouseenter: will set a mouseleave event as well,
                • click: will toggle the popover and hide the popover when clicking outside it,
                • focus: will set blur event as well.
                Defines the type of event listeners to add on the targets to make the popover disappear.

                Possible values are:
                • mouseleave: automatically set when show-on is set to mouseenter and hide-on is null,
                • click: hide the popover when clicking on the target,
                • click-outside: hide the popover when clicking outside any of its targets,
                • mousedown-outside: hide the popover when a mousedown event is triggered outside any of its targets,
                • blur: hide the popover on the blur event of the focused target.
                Time to wait in milliseconds before showing the popover when its visibility becomes true through a DOM event. 0
                Time to wait in milliseconds before hiding the popover when its visibility becomes false through a DOM event. {mouseleave: 200}
                If true, the popover will remain visible while the mouse is over its content. false
                Enable/disable the flip modifier of Popper. true
                Enable/disable the preventOverflow modifier of Popper. true
                Enable/disable the computeStyles modifier of Popper. true
                An HTML element or selector to teleport the popover into. If set to 'auto', the popover will automatically teleport to the body it a parent with an overflow: hidden is found. 'auto'
                The z-index to apply on the floating element. 'auto'
                To translate the popover from its original position.
                • [20, 0]: The popper is offset 20px along the reference,
                • [0, 20]: The popper is offset 20px away from the reference,
                • 20: translates to [0, 20].
                [0, 10]
                Custom options object directly passed to PopperJS.

                Beware, internal modifiers will be overridden if defined here, making the following props inoperative: showArrow, offset.
                • If false the popover will use not use the Transitionopen in new window component for its transitions,
                • If a string is given, it will be used as the name of the transition to apply,
                • undefined will use the default transition.
                If true the dropdown content is always rendered, even when hidden. false


                Name Description

                Contain the content of the popover. If not defined, the content prop is used instead.

                Props: none


                Below the list of all CSS variables and selectors available to customize the appearance of the component. If you're not familiar on how the theming works, please refer to the VueThemes documentation.


                Variable Default Comment
                fontFamily var(--bt-font-family-base) -
                fontSize var(--bt-font-size-sm) -
                fontWeight var(--bt-font-weight-medium) -
                textColor var(--bt-text-color-white) -
                backgroundColor var(--bt-color-gray-800) -
                borderColor var(--bt-color-gray-800) -
                borderStyle var(--bt-border-style-base) -
                borderWidth var(--bt-border-width-base) -
                borderRadius var(--bt-border-radius-base) -
                zIndex var(--bt-z-index-popover) -
                shadow var(--bt-shadow-popover) -


                Name Comment
                root The content container.
                arrow The arrow.


                cssSelectors: {
                    root: {
                        background: '...'
                    arrow: {
                        background: '...'