
Tabs allow you to divide your content into separate panels.


Here is the most basic usage of bt-tabs:


    You can select the layout direction using the direction prop:

      Title slot

      For more complex title, you can use the title slot:


        Method Description Default
        Type of positioning. top
        If true the content of non-focused tabs is only hidden visually.
        If false, the content of non-focused tabs is destroyed when the tab is not focused.

        Bidirectional binding holding the id of the tab currently focused.
        If not defined, the first tab is focused at first, then the one the user selects using the toggles.


        Name Description

        Where tabs should be defined.


            <bt-tab title="First">Tab 1</bt-tab>
            <bt-tab title="Second">Tab 2</bt-tab>

        Props: none


        Below the list of all CSS variables and selectors available to customize the appearance of the component. If you're not familiar on how the theming works, please refer to the VueThemes documentation.


        Variable Default Comment
        togglesFontFamily var(--bt-font-family-base) -
        togglesFontSize var(--bt-font-size-sm) -
        togglesFontWeight var(--bt-font-weight-medium) -
        togglesTextColor var(--bt-text-color-base) -
        togglesTextFocusColor var(--bt-color-primary) -
        togglesTextHoverColor var(--bt-color-primary) -
        togglesBackgroundColor transparent -
        togglesBorderWidth 2px -
        togglesBorderStyle solid -
        togglesBorderColor var(--bt-color-gray-100) -
        togglesPadding 0 1em -
        focusIndicatorColor var(--tabs-toggles-text-focus-color) -
        focusTransitionDuration 0.3s -
        contentBackground none -
        contentPadding 1em -


        Name Comment Pseudo classes Attributes Combinable with
        root The root container.
        togglesWrapper The full width container the toggles.
        togglesWrapperLeft Same as togglesWrapper but restricted to the left layout.
        togglesWrapperRight Same as togglesWrapper but restricted to the right layout.
        toggles The inline container of the toggles.
        toggle The individual container of each toggle.
        togglesWrapperLeft, togglesWrapperRight
        toggleFocused The focused toggle.
        togglesWrapperLeft, togglesWrapperRight
        toggleIcon Targets svg icons inside the toggles.
        togglesWrapperLeft, togglesWrapperRight
        content The container holding the content of the current tab.
        focusIndicator The little line that goes below the toggle of the current tab.


        cssSelectors: {
            togglesWrapper: {
                background: '...'
            'togglesWrapperLeft, togglesWrapperRight': {
                background: '...'
            'toggle:hover': {
                color: '...'
            'togglesWrapperLeft toggle:hover': {
                background: '...'