
Forms are divided in several packages, each covering a specific part of the logic:

  • @banquette/form (discussed here): contains the base logic and objects. That's where the hierarchy of components is created and where the state management is done. That's the "glue" binding other packages together.
  • @banquette/model-form (doc): that's the bridge between basic forms and forms defined through a model class and decorators.
  • @baquette/vue-ui (doc): that's where the visual part of the form is located. Forms are thought to be framework-agnostic, so the view part is separated from the base logic. Banquette comes with a built-in Vue 3open in new window integration.

Here we'll discuss the @banquette/form part only.

What's a form?

A form in Banquette is composed of two types of objects:

  • controls: a control is a form field, it has a visual representation on the page and contains a value. It can be a text input, a select list, a date picker, anything you want.
  • groups: a group is a collection of groups or controls. There are two types of groups: objects and arrays.

If we put it into a schema, it gives us:

Only objects in blue are concrete classes you can use.

So, in a nutshell, a form is a tree of FormControl, FormObject or FormArray. Each of these components have a set of states, a value, a validator and potentially validation errors.

Common properties

Before digging in how it works, here is a quick overview of the properties that are common to every type of form component. They are divided in several categories to be easier to read.

Base properties

Property Description
id Unique numerical id of the component.
formId Extended unique id, guaranteed to be unique between forms and usable as id in the DOM.
name The name of the component.

null for the root node, because the name of a component is given by its parent.
The name of the root node is the name of the variable holding it.
path Absolute path to the root of the form. The path of the root component is /. If the root has a child username, its path will be /username.
value Form controls have the value given by their view. From groups have the combined values of their children.
parent Parent form component or null if none.
root The root component of the form.
activeControl The form control currently on focus.
size Get the "size" of the component. Meaning the number of direct children + 1 to account for the component on which the call is made.
sizeDeep Same as size but add to length of children instead of them counting for one.
activeStates The list of the active states for the component.
disabled A disabled component is non-interactive and excluded from the validation.
enabled Inverse of disabled.

The validation has a dedicated section that you can check out to get more information about how it works.

Property Description
valid true if the component has no validation error.
invalid Inverse of valid.
validated A component is validated when the validation has run, no matter if errors have been found or not.
notValidated Inverse of validated.
validating A component is validating when its validator or the one of one of its children is currently running.
notValidating Inverse of validating.
validatedAndValid Only true when the component has been validated, has no validation running and no error have been found.
validator The validator to use to validate the current value of the component.
validationStrategy Define when the validation should automatically run.
errors The list of errors found for this component.
errorsDeep Flattened array of errors found on the component itself and all its children (recursively).
errorsDeepMap A key/value pair containing the path of each children component as index and the array of their errors as value.

Property Description
busy A component is busy when its view model or the one of its children is processing something.
notBusy Inverse of busy.
dirty A component is dirty if the user has changed its value in the UI, no matter the current value.
pristine Inverse of dirty.
touched A component is marked touched once the user has triggered a blur event on it or one one of its children.
untouched Inverse of touched.
changed A component is changed when its value is different from the initial value.
unchanged Inverse of changed.
focused A component is focused when it (or a children) is the current field on edition.
unfocused Inverse of focused.


Property Description
concrete A component is concrete if:
- For a FormControl: it has a view model,
- For a FromObject: at least one of its children is concrete,
- For a FormArray: it has been accessed from the view

A virtual component is not part of the validation process nor of the exported values, so it will basically be invisible from outside of the form.

Please refer to this part of the documentation if you want more information.
virtual Inverse of concrete.