Text / Textarea

Form input for text data. Both <input/> and <textarea> are covered by this component.


Please be sure to read the Basic concepts part of the documentation first.

Basic usage

Basic input text. The first demo demonstrates both a FormControl and v-model usage, but others demos will use either one depending on what's best depending on the demo.


    Here a demo that illustrates the different states a control can take:


      By default, errors are "floating" (meaning they show as a popover), you can make them show under the field by setting floating-errors to false.

      But, the setting is ignored if the control is inside an addon of another component. In this case the errors will always be floating.

      Help text

      You can add a little help text below the field via the help slot:


        By default, the help text is not "floating", you can make them float by setting floating-help to true.

        But, the setting is ignored if the control is inside an addon of another component. In this case the help text will always be floating.


        Here's a little sneak peek of the validation.


          For more detail on how the validation works, please refer to:


          Addons can be added before and after each component using the before and after slot:


            The before and after slot come with a built-in design that better integrates them with the field. They are meant to hold simple text or icons.


            For more complex addons, like a button or another control, you should user the before-raw and after-raw slots that do not come with any embedded design constraint, that's up to you to make them blend with the field.

            Here is an example:


              Raw addon integration for buttons comes with the default theme of Banquette. If you use the buttons without the theme, the rendering will not be as it is here.

              Click here to show the adjustments made in the theme
                  // If we are in any control that uses the base input.
                  match: {parent: 'bt-form-base-input'},
                  // We remove the unwanted borders and rounding.
                  cssCode: `
                      :global(.before) &.bt-button .inner {
                          border-top-right-radius: 0;
                          border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
                          border-right: none;
                      :global(.after) &.bt-button .inner {
                          border-top-left-radius: 0;
                          border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
              // Also, we adjust the border color if the button has the `light` variant
              // because it's not the same gray as the one used by form components.
                  match: {parent: 'bt-form-base-input', variant: 'light'},
                  cssCode: `
                      &.bt-button .inner {     
                          border-color: var(--bt-color-gray-200);


              To create a textarea, set the type to textarea:

                Auto size

                If autoSize is true, the textarea will resize automatically to fit the number of lines of the content.

                You can constrain the size using the minRows and maxRows props.


                  You can allow the user to clear the value of the input via the clearable prop:


                    If you add the debug attribute to the component, a little icon shows on the right, allowing you to inspect the whole viewData object exposed by the component.

                    If you don't know what the viewData object is, please refer to this part of the documentation.


                      Method Description Default
                      Bidirectional binding for the value of the control. undefined
                      The original value given by the end-user through the html element. undefined
                      The label of the field. Overridden by the default slot. null
                      A placeholder value to show when there is no value selected. null
                      A help text to show to the user. Overridden by the help slot. null
                      If true the label will float above the control and act as a placeholder is there is none. true
                      If true the errors will appear as an icon on the right side of the input that shows a popover.
                      This value is overridden to true internally if the control is in a group to preserve layout integrity.
                      If true the help text will appear as an icon on the right side of the input that shows a popover.
                      This value is overridden to true internally if the control is in a group to preserve layout integrity.
                      If true, a little asterisk extra is shown, indicating to the user that the field is mandatory. false
                      For external control of the disabled state of the control. false
                      For external control of the busy state of the control. false
                      If true, show the debug overlay. false
                      HTML tab index (for keyboard navigation). 0
                      If true, the control will try to gain focus when mounted. false
                      Input type. 'text'
                      The value of the autocomplete HTML attribute. 'off'
                      If true, the view value "rows" will be automatically adjusted based on the number of line breaks in the control's value. false
                      If true, the user can clear the value of the input via an icon. false

                      textarea only
                      Control the manual resizing of the textarea.
                      If autoSize is true, the resize is automatically disabled.

                      textarea only
                      Define a specific number of rows. null

                      textarea only
                      Define the minimum number of rows of the textarea. null

                      textarea only
                      Define the maximum number of rows of the textarea. null


                      Name Description
                      default or label

                      Defines the label of the field. This slot takes priority over the label prop.

                      Props: none


                      Defines the help text of the field. This slot takes priority over the help prop.

                      Props: none


                      Defines the content of the addon to show before the field.

                      Props: none


                      Defines the content of the un-styled addon to show before the field.

                      Props: none


                      Defines the content of the addon to show after the field.

                      Props: none


                      Defines the content of the un-styled addon to show after the field.

                      Props: none


                      Defines custom floating extras that appear before the built-in ones.

                      Props: none


                      Defines custom floating extras that appear after the built-in ones.

                      Props: none


                      Below the list of all CSS variables and selectors available to customize the appearance of the component. If you're not familiar on how the theming works, please refer to the VueThemes documentation.


                      Variable Default Comment
                      fontFamily var(--bt-font-family-base) -
                      fontSize var(--bt-font-size-base) -
                      fontWeight var(--bt-font-weight-normal) -
                      textColor var(--bt-text-color-base) -
                      backgroundColor var(--bt-color-white) -
                      backgroundDisabledColor Same as backgroundColor -
                      borderColor var(--bt-color-gray-200) -
                      borderRadius var(--bt-border-radius-base) -
                      borderWidth var(--bt-border-width-base) -
                      borderStyle var(--bt-border-style-base) -
                      borderFocusWidth Same as borderWidth -
                      borderFocusColor var(--bt-color-primary) -
                      borderErrorWidth Same as borderWidth -
                      borderErrorColor var(--bt-color-red-500) -
                      borderDisabledColor var(--bt-color-gray-200) -
                      placeholderX 0.8rem -
                      placeholderY 0.75rem -
                      labelTextColor var(--bt-text-color-light) -
                      labelTransitionDuration 0.2s -
                      helpTextColor var(--bt-text-color-light) -
                      helpFontSize var(--bt-font-size-sm) -
                      errorTextColor var(--bt-color-red-500) -
                      errorFontSize var(--bt-font-size-sm) -
                      disabledOpacity 0.5 -
                      addonBackgroundColor var(--bt-color-gray-50) -
                      addonTextColor var(--bt-text-color-light) -


                      Name Comment
                      root The root container.
                      label The container of the label.
                      help The non floating help text container.
                      before The before slot container.
                      after The after slot container.
                      floatingExtras The container of the floating extras.
                      inputGroup A container that only include the form field.
                      input The actual form control.


                      cssSelectors: {
                          input: {
                              background: '...'
                          floatingExtras: {
                              color: '...'